One of the most frequent questions about neck lifts that we receive at our practice in Tampa is “how much does a neck lift cost?”
For many men and women in Florida, the appearance of turkey neck can be a frustrating sign of aging that is difficult to mask or hide. It is not like wearing a scarf is an option when the temperature is over ninety degrees. Find out more about what a neck lift procedure entails.
Looking Into Turkey Neck Surgery Cost In Florida? There Are Financing Options
Elite Facial Plastic Surgery offers financing through its partnership with CareCredit, so you won’t have to worry about having to cover your entire neck lift cost in one payment. Reach out to us today to get more information. Call us today at (813) 975-3223 to get more information about financing the cost of a neck lift.
Neck Lift Costs Can Vary
The typical cost of a neck lift in Tampa is around $6,000 to $7,000. However, this cost will vary based on several factors as a neck lift is not the same for every patient.
Just as each person’s face and neck is unique, the techniques used to perform the neck lift will vary and so will the turkey neck surgery cost. Additionally, not all facial plastic surgeons are experienced in using all the techniques. The traditional neck lift involves a series of incisions made under the chin and behind the ears. This will provide the plastic surgeon the necessary access to the platsyma muscle. This is the main muscle along the front of the neck, which is often the cause of the sagging neck skin.
Age, sun damage, and gravity often combine to create the draping skin and muscle which a neck lift can correct. A well-qualified plastic surgeon can tighten up the platsyma muscle and the skin along the neck to restore the appearance of youth.
Ultimately, the turkey neck surgery cost in Florida will depend on the severity of the condition and the technique needed to correct it.
Additional Procedures
Dr. Dominic says that many patients can see excellent results from a Simplicity Neck Lift alone but that there are occasions where the addition of facial liposuction can be a benefit, adding “if the patient has any excess fat tissue that has accumulated along the jaw or in the front of the neck, facial liposuction can remove that tissue to allow for a better angle to be restored.”
This should be done at the same time as a neck lift for optimal results. From a cost standpoint, the combined procedure is far more economical that doing a neck lift and then the liposuction. Also, when considering a neck lift procedure, it is important to ask about the details such as what type of anesthesia will be used and if the surgery will be done at a different location than in the doctor’s office. For example, all surgery is done on-site at Elite Facial Plastic Surgery because the office is an accredited medical facility. Whereas, for some surgeons, the procedure must be booked at a hospital or surgical suite that if the surgeon does not have his own accredited facility. This will add to your turkey neck surgery cost in Florida.
A Neck Lift At Elite Facial Plastic Surgery
According to Dr. Dominic M. Castellano, a neck lift will reduce the sagging skin and correct the angle of the neck to the chin. This makes the patient look naturally younger once the neck is restored and the skin tightened. Once completed, the neck lift provides long-lasting results and that makes a neck lift a far better investment than some other treatments. Unfortunately, some practices may claim that neck firming results are possible without surgery but this is simply not realistic. Any treatment that does not adjust the underlying muscle will give only temporary relief to the problem.
If you are interested in learning more about a neck lift and want to get information on turkey neck surgery cost in Florida, please schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Dominic. A consultation will allow the surgeon to assess your sagging neck and be better able to provide you with the details of what treatment will work best for you. Dr. Dominic will provide all the details about the surgery and what to expect, while allowing you ample time to ask questions and to view before and after photos. Please call 813-975-3223 today to schedule your complimentary consultation at Elite Facial Plastic Surgery. Or go to our website at
Note – Elite Facial Plastic Surgery also offers financing for plastic surgery procedures.